First, I must admit that I was definitely that person who said to herself “I’d never create a blog”. Sooo let’s just set the record straight and say I’m a big hypocrite.
In 2014 I discovered a whole new world on Instagram via one simple hashtag, #premed. Reminder that at that time I was considering pre-med, pre-PA, and pre-pharmacy. This hashtag instantly connected me with thousands of like minded people and I was ecstatic! Throughout college I probably followed 100+ Healthcare professionals on Instagram with over half be MD’s/DO’s and the other half consisting of PA’s, nurses and Pharmacists. While I enjoyed reading everyone’s journeys via their blogs/websites, listening to their features on podcasts, and getting advice via direct messaging..the lack of providers connecting via social media that looked like me really stood out.
I remembered my parents taking me to STEM and history museums as a young girl. The euphoria I got seeing women and men who looked like me on those walls was unmatched. I wanted to be one of them! I wanted little chocolate girls and boys to have the same feeling I had while looking at my portrait on a museum wall someday. (Remember the young girl mesmerized by Michelle Obama‘s portrait?!)

As I’ve continued on in life I’ve always had those men and women in the back of my mind. With each accomplishment and failure I continue to think of those little Chocolate nerds coming behind me. Truthfully, they’re the reason I started this blog. I created Ruuds In the Pharmacy to not only join those healthcare professionals I admire so much, but to contribute to the diversity of those professionals and inspire those coming along.
Other reasons why I created my blog:
I wanted to document my journey through Pharmacy School with more than just pictures! My website/blog allows me to share my experiences, advice, and failures without being limited to a word count or 10 pictures.
I want to share the things I’m learning with pre-pharms! As mentioned above, not many IG healthcare professional pages are PharmD’s so pre-pharms are limited to whom they can reach out to regarding the world of pharmacy.
I tasked myself with finding a hobby/outlet before school starts. While I’ve enjoyed taking up running 3 days a week, those runs are only ~30 to 40 minutes of my day. Since deciding to blog, I’ve found myself writing when I have free time versus scrolling through IG and Twitter. Truthfully I get excited when I think of new content to write about!
To prove to my younger brothers I really am cool.